7-8 July 2018

Välkommen till den andra upplagan av Höga Kusten Filmfestival!
Hela helgen på Lunde Folkets Hus kommer det bjudas på en rejäl bredd av independentfilm från hela världen med filmare hitresande från bland annat Bulgarien, Finland och USA. Nedan finner ni information om varje program och deltagande film - det blir allt från mystiska experimentalfilmer till gripande dokumentärfilmer till klassisk fiktion av hög klass.
Efter filmvisningarna varje kväll bjuder vi på Loungekonsert med musik från Smiljana Nikolic, Serbisk Experimentalmusiker och Kompositör, försmak finns här; Sound Cloud
Söndag klockan 21 då Filmrogrammet nått sitt slut kommer Festivalens Grand Prix att delas ut där den vinnande filmen får 5000sek Sponsrat av Film Västernorrland!
Fri Entré för alla!

Festivalen inleds med ett program från Film Västernorrland där vi visar filmer som producerats med stöd av deras institution. Det blir ett blandat högklassigt program av dokumentärfilm och fiktion där filmregissörerna också kommer att vara på festivalen och presentera sina filmer.

Bitchboy av Mans Berthas
15:00 min
Lukas, a young dedicated metal head, is visiting his recently departed grandfather at the hospital. Despite the bloodline, he doesn’t want the old man to be buried in the family grave. Dark secrets come to light, and when opportunity comes, he seeks revenge.
Director Biography
Måns Berthas was born in Sundsvall, a small town in Sweden. From early years he had a strong interest in film, literature and music. He started to direct short films with a borrowed VHS camera. His previous short movie, Champion (2015), debuted at Göteborg Film Festival in 2015 and has already been screened in more than 60 film festivals around the world and won over 15 awards.

Tattoo Andy av Stefan Frankel
58:56 min
As a very young kid, Andy was on a schooltrip to Copenhagen when the bus got stuck in the traffic jam outside Tato-Jack's studio in Nyhavn. He became overwhelmed by the motives in the window and the event made a deep track in his mind. We follow Tattoo-Andy from Halmstad on Sweden's west coast to Copenhagen. This is a documentary about an art form, which many perceive as a lower form of art, but which here shows that this is not the case. Tattoo is art.
Director Biography
I did my first movie when I was ten years old with an old 16-mm camera borrowed by my grandfather. It was a painful drama that ended with suffering and death. After studying at a graphic school in Stockholm, I started assisting in film recordings and the first feature film I was in was as a assistant-photographer to Sven Nykvist. Later in life, I took over the role of A-photographer and also director of fiction movies and documentaries.

Virtual Reality av Marcus Stridberg
06:06 min
The best thing in the world for 17 year old Jimmy is playing Virtual Reality games. One night something strange happens in one of his games. The remote cabin he currently stays in also seem to exist in the game. When he decide to enter the cabin in the game, strange things starts to happen. Something from the game seem to have followed him back to the real world.
Director Biography
Marcus Stridsberg is a filmmaker and TV-producer with over 10 years in the business. He's been working in London, Kingdom of Bahrain, Dubai and recently moved back to Sweden.

Birgit på Kiörningsgården av Solveig Nordlund
09:00 min
Birgit Dahlgren is the owner of a small hotel Körningsgården in Nordingrå. The hotel has been frequented by artists and 10 years ago Birgit had the idea to make Körningsgården the centre for a yearly tour around the artists in the region Konstrundan in Nordingrå. And now more than 30 artists open their homes/studios during the tour.
Director Biography
Solveig Nordlund was born in Stockholm, but has lived and worked in Portugal since more than 30 years. She works in film and television both fiction and documentary, but also theatre. In 2012 she returned to Sweden and now lives on the High Coast in the north of Sweden.
Feature films: Dina & Django 1980, Tomorrow Mario, 1997, Comedia Infantil 1998, Low-Flying Aircraft 2000, Daddy 'S Girl 2002, The Death of Carlos Gardel 2011.
Första Kortfilmsprogrammet kommer bjuda på en mängd bra film från olika delar av världen. Inte mindre än nio kortfilmer från Belgien, Finland, Ukraina, Schweiz, Sverige och Indien!

SERES av Mariana Palacios
Origin: Sweden
In the midst of a dance that sounds and a music that moves, the earth trembles between manifestation and concealment, between search and encounter. Synthesis of time, cycles that extend, stripping themselves in a curved space line. The lull and the response of an inner forest that is declared in the chant, in the body, in its own return.
Director Biography
The versatile pianist and composer Mariana Palacios focuses her work on the fusion of music with other forms of art. She has composed for theater pieces and play in different musical constellations. Her other big passion, dance, has also driven her to collaborate with international dance companies, and to create the dance film “SERES”, working as a director, producer, composer, and performer.

Unavoidable Circumstances av Camilla Liljestrand
Origin: Sweden
Frans is having a session with his psychologist and he answers questions about his family members.
Director Biography
I started making 2d animations 2014 in Sundsvall, Sweden. Since then I went on to film music videos and commercial films. In 2017 I finished a year of studying filmmaking in Härnösand, Sweden and has since shot dance and short fictional films.

Printing a Princess av Maria Lagerborg
Origin: Sweden
Printing a Princess combines the printing of a woodcut with the fairytale of Tuvstarr, the princess with the long golden hair, known from John Bauer's classic images. She wants to get out into the world and fight, but end up as a tussock of grass by a forrest lake. In the film Printing a Princess, she can make the trip and follow her dreams! Music by Sara Parkman (Parkman/Norén).
Director Biography
Maria Lagerborg is an artist that lives and work in Sundsvall, Sweden.

SIN av Juhani Koivumäki
Origin: Finland
About desire for forbidden.
Director Biography
Juhani Koivumäki (b.1981 in Hämeenlinna. Lives and works in Helsinki) Had his M.A degree from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. Currently studying theology at Helsinki University. Koivumäki's cinematic and media-art based works has been presented in various galleries and Film Festivals both domestically and around the world. His motivation has been to expand an individual's awareness of things such as physical and emotional satisfaction or religious and political enlightenment.

Moriom av Mark Olexa och Francesca Scalisi
12:00minOrigin: Switzerland
Summer 2014. Rural Bangladesh. "I came from Heaven. I came to destroy all bad things in the world. I'm a flower angel. I'm a police officer. I got a job at the police station. I will punish them. I will put them in jail.". This is the story of a girl and the tragedy that changed her life.
Director Biography
Francesca Scalisi (1982) is an Italian director and editor. Mark Olexa (1984) is a Swiss director and producer. They are based in Fribourg, Switzerland, where they run the film production company DOK MOBILE. In 2015, they directed and produced short film «Moriom», which received the Special Mention at the Winterthur Kurzfilmtage and was screened at IDFA, Tampere Short-Film Festival and Thessaloniki documentary film festival, among others.

Black Mountain av Taras Dron
18:16minOrigin: Ukraine
12-year old Yurko lives in far mountain village with his mother. Yurko's father went to work abroad. Fight for father’s car becomes the story of growing up.
Director Biography
Lives and works in Lviv, Ukraine. Is a co-founder of local production studio - NORD Production. Graduated from the Film School in Lodz. The film "Black Mountain" was a participant of the national competission of Odessa International Film Festival, which is the biggest film festival in Ukraine. His documentary film "When Will This Wind Stop" won “Best Student Documentary” award at a prestigious International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam (IDFA).

Here Before av Sawandi Groskind
10:28minOrigin: Finland
Enzo asks his father for help regarding something that has been going on in the woods. The naïve imagery of the film is a clash between the director's adolescent fixation towards Michael Jackson's Thriller music video, and the director's contemporary thoughts on neoliberal values.
Director Biography
Sawandi Groskind (1984) is a Finnish-American film director based in Helsinki. Themes reflected in his films are spirituality, rural existence and poverty.

The Transient av Parth Saurabh
16:31minOrigin: India
A house starts affecting the personalities of the people living in it, imbuing them with the same emptiness that it feels. An old woman and her husband, a newly wed couple and a thief inhabit it at different times, and grow lonelier, the longer they exist within its walls.
Director Biography
Parth Saurabh, 25, was born in Darbhanga, a small town in Eastern India. After completing his graduation as an Enginner in Material Sciences, he started studying to become a film-maker, joining Whistling Woods International for a diploma course specializing in Direction. His films deal with the interchangeability of space and memory. He has shot a short documentary in China called 'The Ballad Of Toyuk' and is currently being mentored as part of a screenwriter's lab called NFDC Film Bazaar.

NO'I av Aline Magrez
21:53minOrigin: Belgium
Joined cables. Pictures, faces and altars. Then machines and gestures. An emotional description of a place that links all its elements together.
Director Biography
Aline magrez was born in Brussels in 1990. After having explored the world of video installation at the ERG school and having studied philosophy at the ULB, Aline has entered the INSAS in 2012 to follow her training in movie directing.
Lördagens långfilm kommer från Argentina och kan beskrivas som en filosofisk version av Joseph Conrads "Mörkrets Hjärta" (som filmatiserats av Francis F. Coppola under namnet Apocalypse Now). I Martin Riezniks enastående långfilmsdebut använder han enkla medel och stilrent bildspråk för att ta oss med på en vandring djupare och djupare in i hjärtat av Argentinas djungel.

Jungle av Martin Rieznik
74:00minOrigin: Argentina
Lucas believes that in natures hides the essence of life. Seeking isolatation from modern society he will find himself.
“Jungle” is a film about two trips. One to the inside of one of the most isolated places in the planet and the other one to the hidden parts of the main character’s mind. It takes place in those two unexplored fields. It is the encounter of an individual with his desires, fears, hates, and pleasures.
Director Biography
"Jungle" is the feature film debut by Brazilian director Martin Rieznik who recently graduated from the Argentinian University of Cinema (FUC in its Spanish acronym). He has also completed his actor training in the Centro Cultural San Martín from Argentina.
In 2009, he was awarded by the “One Minute Festival, Aarau Switzerland 09” for his short film “DA2”. Between 2012 and 2014, he was the audiovisual director of “La mano que tacha”, multimedia play worthy of the stimulation to cultural activity scholarship granted by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes. The play was performed at the Centro Cultural Borges and the Excéntrico Teatro. In 2014, he released the short film “Portuñol”, written and directed by him, shot in 35mm under the production of the Universidad del Cine.
He is currently filming "A History of Prohibition", a documentary produced by the institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts of the Argentine Republic, INCAA.
Det Tyska Hjulet
Det tyska samhället har genom århundraden varit ett världsledande samhälle i form av opera, teater, litteratur, filosofi, vetenskap och ingenjörskonst.
Vägbyggen, effektiviseringar av samhällssystemet, grandiösa byggnader och storslagna uppfinningar. Men i sin konst är ett ständigt återkommande tema en krossad livsglädje, en tyngande ångest av att inte känna sig välkommen att gråta när man är ledsen och skratta när man är glad.
I denna inbjudna filmvisning kommer vi att få ta del av ett flertal tyska kortfilmer som på olika sätt med filmens medel tar sig an det tyska maskineriet – hjulet - må det vara i samhällets ramar eller inom den egna familjen.

Wallenhorst av Steffen Goldkamp
23:00minOrigin: Germany
Youth unfolds in a northern german village.
Director Biography
Student at the academy of fine arts in Hamburg and the École nationale supèrieure des Beaux-Art de Paris in focus on film. He is co-founder of the director-collective SPENGEMANN EICHBERG GOLDKAMP HANS for which he produced several films. His work examines specific realities of exemplary places.

Blue Beneath av Paul Spengemann
10:00minOrigin: Germany
Told from a child perspective, this film focusses on the tensions within the family system, sketching a portrait heightened by the small but incisive details of childhood memory.
Director Biography
Paul Spengemann
Born 1987, lives and works in Hamburg, DE
Since 2016 University of Fine Arts Hamburg, MFA, Andreas Slominski & Angela Schanelec
2016 Goldsmiths University of London,
Scholarship Holder with Art School Alliance 2011-2016 University of Fine Arts Hamburg, BFA, Andreas Slominski & Angela Schanelec

Knallen av Paul Spengemann
06:00minOrigin: Germany
An Island, a house, open fields, two children, a detonoation
*Knallen är skissfilmen till "Blue Beneath", där Paul Spengemann filmatiserat samma idé och tankar men med en experimentell gestaltning utan människor.*
Söndagens kortfilmsprogram innehåller ett brett spektra av kortfilmer från USA, Spanien, Belgien, Ungern och Sverige - allt från dokumentärer till experimentalfilm, missa inte!

A Story of Anticipation av Freja Andersson
07:38minOrigin: Sweden
100 years ago, the Great War was raging. Death, pain and grief. Soldiers, weapons and explosions. All this we know. But there is something else the war also brought about.
Director Biography
Freja Andersson is a Swedish-Finnish filmmaker and Visual Artist born in 1985. She has a MFA from Stockholm University of the Arts and have worked and studied in several countries across the world, with a focus on India and Turkey. In her work, Freja examines and challenges different perspectives, often related to themes such as memory, history and space. Her work takes place on the boarder in-between filmmaking and other art forms.

Missing Piece av Tim Guthrie
25:00minOrigin: United States
Missing Piece is a short film – a tribute about, and for, my deceased wife.
Director Biography
Tim Guthrie has been recognized nationally and internationally, including Independent Artist Fellowships in 2011, 2008, 2007, 2006 (Distinguished Artist, filmmaking) from the Nebraska Arts Council. His films have won numerous Best Documentary awards, Audience Awards and other awards and have been shown at numerous film festivals including Hiroshima Animation Festival, 5th Annual Athens International Animation Festival (Greece), Control Arms Conference (Italy). Residencies and fellowships include the Blue Mountain Center, Vermont Studio Center, International Sculpture Center, Art Calendar Magazine, and the Sierra Arts Foundation, the Nevada Arts Council, each funded by the National Endowment for the Arts. He teaches at Creighton University.

The Night of All Things av Pilar Palomero
18:30minOrigin: Spain
Joana faces the loss of her mother while living immerse in a universe where time hurts and where the absence is the only future. “The night of all things” speaks about that night in which the experiences become memories; the night in which our memory becomes all what we are.
Director Biography
Born in Zaragoza (Spain), Pilar graduated in Hispanic Literature and in Cinematography and worked during several years as screenwriter and film teacher. While studying an MFA in filmmaking at Film Factory (Sarajevo) under the leadership of Béla Tarr, Pilar wrote and directed the short films Noć (2015), The Night of All Things (2016) and Zimsko Sunce (2017). She was selected as one of the Berlinale Talents 2017 and she is currently developing her debut film Las Niñas.

Trembling Beam av Kálmán Nagy
08:30minOrigin: Hungary
Anna is on the way with her team to an international gymnastic competition. The short movie is about Anna’s sensible relationship with her female coach and about their confrontation.
Director Biography
Kálmán Nagy grew up in a small town in Hungary. From 2016 he began his Bachelor Film Studies in Directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts - Film Academy in Vienna.
Awards and Experiences:
2017: Trembling Beam (short film) Audiance Awards: Best Director - Mediawave Hungarian Film Festival (On the Road)
2015: Rigó (short film) Official Selection - Mediawave Hungarian Film Festival
2015: Tangle (short film) I. Prize - Pannonfíling Film Festival

The Hero With a Thousand Faces av Juliette Joffé
26:00minOrigin: Belgium
Anxious of not currently acting an aging actor embarks in a seemingly aimless road trip. He meets a young british hitch-hiker who understands almost nothing of his French. Mixing documentary scenes, impressionistic monologues and absuridt dialogues the film focuses on a protagonist who only feels comfortable in fictional roles, struggling to live with himself and his past.
Director Biography
Juliette Joffé is a French director. Her first short film Peut-être le noir was screened internationally and premiered at Visions du Reel Nyon. It won the Wildcard For Best Documentary (Belgium) which allowed her to direct The Hero With A Thousand Faces which premiered at FIDMarseille.

Plena Stellarum av Matthew Wade
11:14minOrigin: United States
Neon ghosts dreaming in dead landscapes.
Director Biography
Matthew Wade is an award-winning, classically-trained 2D animator, filmmaker, and experimental musician. He has worked on ads for companies such as Footlocker, Vans, Warner Bros. Records, The History Channel, and Good Books. His independent works have been screened around the world at festivals including Slamdance, Sun Valley Film Festival, Oak Cliff, Filmfort, ExGround, Berlin Experimental, Camera Obscura, NW Filmmakers’, Micro-Wave Cinema, Rhode Island International, and many others.

Disintegration av Björn Dahlman
09:00minOrigin: Sweden
Disintegration tells the story of the dysfunctional relationship between a boy and his stepfather, and the effects of their actions. If our past, be it recent or distant, makes us who we are, what responsibility do we have for our own actions?
Director Biography
Björn Dahlman is born in Stockholm, Sweden 1980, Now live on the West cost in the south of Sweden. Went to Öland Documentary film school in 2004, and a decade later studied cinema and art theory at Halmstad university. With a Degree off Bachelor of Arts.
Söndagens långfilm följer den unga mannen Hristo i en Bulgarisk storstad i hans kamp för överlevnad. Genom en kamera som är nära, tyst och fokuserad blir vi gripna och tagna med på Hristos resa, en resa som kommer att bjuda på Bulgarisk Independent Långfilm när den är som allra bäst.

HRISTO av Grigor Lefterov och Todor Matsanov
99:00minOrigin: Bulgaria
Hristo is a former homeless boy who managed to find a job and rent a place. He would do anything to get a normal living. Despite his hard work one day he gets fired and he is forced to go back to living on the streets. Time passes by in unsuccessfully trying to find a new job. Life gets tougher in the winter and he hits the limits of surviving. One night he almost kills a man in order to take his job. All goes well until at one point he faces a choice - to save the life of his friend, or lose...
Director Biography
Grigor Lefterov is a Bulgarian director producer and screenwriter. In the period 1994-2000, he studied Film and Television Directing at Bulgarian National Academy for Theater and Film Arts in Sofia, gaining a Master's Degree. In 2008, he won a competition held by the National Film Center for his short film script of "The Desert Runner". The film was selected at the festivals in Warsaw and at the Golden Rose Film Festival in Varna. In 2012, his script "Hristo" was ranked first at BNFC.